Friday Paintings
Six paintings this time - two of these I painted a few months ago but I don't think I've posted online. I like the Lonely Milkshake paintings here - I suppose it's because I give bonus points whenever I can pull off good abstract painting - and that rooster is pretty intense, if I do say so myself [I might reduce those two "sharp" lines underneath the rooster's head though - they look out of place there]. The American Flag is probably the most realistic version I've painted [if a little soiled and dripping in mud]. I usually angle toward abstracting the flag series paintings, but I got to this point and figured it was finished.
A Captive Audience #11 - 11x14", SOLD
Dragonfly Parade - framed - 18x36", SOLD
Lonely Milkshake #3 - 30x40", N/A
Lonely Milkshake #2 - 30x24", $450
Rooster - 14x11", N/A
American Flag #5 - 24x11", SOLD