Red Wing
Red Wing, 28x28”, SOLD
creativity by wess
Posted on by Wess Foreman
Watch the video of the painting process down below.
Orange Daisies, 16x20”, SOLD
Orange Daisies, 16x20", $350 | This one did not turn out the way I had envisioned . . . or maybe I didn't have a clear vision in mind before I began. Either way, I wasn't too happy with the direction this painting was going for most of the time.
Posted on by Wess Foreman
Satsuma Tree, 16x20", SOLD
"Satsuma Tree", 16x20", $300. Please click thumbs up to help my channel grow! And I'm looking for future subject matter suggestions in the comments below. As always, thanks for watching!
Posted on by Wess Foreman
It's been awhile since since I've painted a dog portrait without it being a commission. This one went quick. I completed it in two painting sessions, and I achieved the somewhat abstracted, somewhat off-kilter look I was aiming for. The simple orange/blue color scheme works great. What else can I say: I am pleased with this painting. (video of the painting process will be uploaded to my YouTube channel in a few short hours) Contact me if interested in purchasing this painting or commissioning one of your own.
Mutt, 20x16", $300
Posted on by Wess Foreman
This was a quick study of an orange lantern with a white pillar candle. This lantern was hanging outside on our patio and I couldn't resist painting it.
Orange Lantern, 14x11", $75
Posted on by Wess Foreman
I spent a long time changing the color of the hat, having already deciding on the yellow/orange background with the peach/violet face---for some reason the hat color gave me fits---then I decided to break out the newspaper. So now it's a mixed media piece. Acrylic and old media.
Portrait of Mrs. White #2, 16x14"
Posted on by Wess Foreman
The strongest part of this painting is the expressive energy; it's fresh and untamed and honest. The weakest part of this painting is the weak title I gave it---what!? If a better title springs to mind, post it in the comments. I might rename this one. That is all.
Posted on by Wess Foreman
Thought about naming this one, "Something Something Something," but didn't want to confuse people---I'll leave the grander jokes to professional comedians.
Coffee Coffee Coffee, 36x30", $600