
Posted on by Wess Foreman

With the onset of Spring, I have been thawing out. stepping outside more frequently. painting a little more. and have become something of a confident artist once more [happens every year around this time]. I'll use this post to show off a few of my latest pieces.

These two are: Balloons 12x12" SOLD, and Egret 10x8" SOLD(charcoal pencil)


And of course, pictured above is a New Orleans Streetcar painting (the second one I've painted from the same reference photo - interestingly, this one has garnered a distinctly different perspective than the last . . . the cars are coming a little more head-on than in the first). It's 24x48" SOLD.

To the left, Field of Sunflowers 8x10" SOLD.


on 2009-03-18 16:56 by wessf

Art market went well last Saturday, just to let you know. It rained a little, here and there, but relented for most of the day. And more people than I expected showed up. Also I got to pet a giant cockroach and let a millipede crawl on my hand (the New Orleans Audobon Mobile Bug-mobile was there).


on 2009-03-18 22:29 by wessf


Got a request for a larger version of this one . . . here's a cropped detail . . . I could get up from my chair and go out to the garage/studio and take another, clearer photo of it, but I'm not going to do that. Here's a slightly fuzzy, but larger version. Enjoy!